
This paper addresses the situation of the attack on criminal assets in four states in the northern region of Mexico, based on a regional analysis of the Mexican public policy meant to combat financial structures of criminals: extinction of domain. We evaluates the legal tools that must be implemented by the states to change the way crime has been fought in the region. The challenges faced by the studied states could be identified and discussed with the new regulatory framework issued by the federation. We advise on the promotion of a policy to reinforce the government institutions in charge of attacking the criminal assets in a way that the fight against these economic structures is effective at all levels of government.

Dr. Pedro Rubén Torres Estrada

Dr. Pedro Rubén Torres Estrada


Pedro Rubén Torres Estrada es un abogado, académico, investigador y ensayista mexicano, apasionado por el desarrollo de estrategias que contribuyan con el fortalecimiento de las instituciones del país. Se destaca por sus conocimientos en derecho constitucional, modelos comparados de justicia penal e historia del noreste mexicano.


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